Help! My dog is a toy terminator!
Have you ever given your dog a brand new toy, only to have them destroy it within minutes? This is super naughty dog behavior….isn’t it?
The city dog and the country dog - urban living with a reactive dog.
What is really going on when you ask your dog to “sit” (or perform some other behavior that you KNOW that they know how to do), and they don’t do it?
But he knows this behavior! (So why isn't he doing it?)
What is really going on when you ask your dog to “sit” (or perform some other behavior that you KNOW that they know how to do), and they don’t do it?
We’re all just doing our best. Isn’t that enough?
While I may not be the dog guardian struggling to control their dog on a walk anymore, I used to be.
Leash length; the long and short of it.
Leash laws is a hot topic for me, and many other dog guardians. But why? In this blog I want to go deeper than the laws themselves, and talk about other reasons why these rules matter.
My dog doesn't want to say hi.
Leash laws is a hot topic for me, and many other dog guardians. But why? In this blog I want to go deeper than the laws themselves, and talk about other reasons why these rules matter.
"Good" behavior doesn't always equal "good" emotions.
Leash laws is a hot topic for me, and many other dog guardians. But why? In this blog I want to go deeper than the laws themselves, and talk about other reasons why these rules matter.
My dog won’t take treats - now what?
It’s not surprise that treats are used regularly in force free dog trainer. But what do we do when our dog WON’T take the food?
Leash laws: keeping dog guardians in the lead.
Leash laws is a hot topic for me, and many other dog guardians. But why? In this blog I want to go deeper than the laws themselves, and talk about other reasons why these rules matter.
Why is my dog reactive on leash, but not off?
We hear the term “reactivity” a lot when talking about dogs, but what does it actually mean?
Help! My dog has become a juvenile delinquent!
The transition from puppyhood to canine adolescence can be a rapid and jarring one.
Don't Label Me!
Something I see a lot of in the dog training world is labels, specifically those applied to our dogs. I myself use labels regularly - 'reactive dog,' anyone?
I understand the appeal behind a label; it's a convenient and straightforward way for us to explain often complex behavior. However, these labels can be doing our dogs more harm than good, and we need to tread lightly when using them.
Science & Dog Trainers: better do your research
I've been a certified, professional dog trainer for over 8 years now, and I can count on my hands the number of times that I have been questioned by potential clients about my education, and training methods.
Positive reinforcement doesn't work for every dog, and other assertions.
When you claim that positive reinforcement 'doesn't work for your dog' it's because you are doing it wrong.
Chew on this
Chewing in dogs can be real problem, and one that we humans do not cope with well.
Taking the 'Pull' Out of Leash Walks
It's a beautiful, sunny day and you're heading out for a walk with your dog to stretch your legs. You take a deep breath of fresh air, and....YOINK!
The Ins & Outs of Puppy Socialization
Congratulations! You have just brought home your new puppy and life is about to get really fun!
On the Mark: Hand Targets
Targeting is a useful behavior where we teach our dog to touch a specific part of their body to a specific object/location.
Crash! Boom! Storm Phobias
What a month we've had. Record breaking temperatures and minimal precipitation almost makes you forget about our 7 months of cold, cruel winter, doesn't it? No? Too soon? I agree.